Scholarship Information for Self-Supported Students
Updated on February 1st, 2025

English Version

There are two types of private scholarships; scholarships which require a recommendation from the university and scholarships which students can apply for directly.




2025年 2月13日(木)~2025年2月19日(水)





2025年 2月13日(木)~2025年2月21日(金)

(1) 留学生民間奨学金登録制・提出書類チェックリスト
(2) 様式1 民間奨学金申請調書 記入例サンプル
(3) 成績証明書(学部から現在まで)
(4) 様式2 研究計画及び研究業績(2~4ページ程度にまとめること。)
(5) 様式3 質問票  記入例サンプル
(6) 在留カードのコピー(表裏)※既に来日している者のみ
(7) 日本語能力評価・試験等の証明書のコピー(JLPTなど、持っている者は提出する。)



提出先:113-8656 東京都文京区本郷7-3-1 東京大学工学部8号館1階161室 
工学系&情理系 国際推進課留学生支援チーム(民間奨学金登録制) 御中
※書類は「(1) 私費留学生民間奨学金登録制・提出書類チェックリスト」の順番のとおりに並べて、提出すること。
※(2)様式1 民間奨学金調書や(5)様式3 質問票を記入する際はサンプルを参照すること。



留学生(外国政府派遣留学生を除く)で、東京大学工学部・工学系研究科・情報理工学系研究科の正規課程学生または研究生として、2025年4月に在籍予定の者(在学生及び新規入学者)、 もしくは2025年10月に入学が決定している者。



2. 奨学金にはそれぞれ応募条件があり、募集人数が限られているため、登録者全員が推薦されるとは限らない。また、推薦された場合でも、財団の選考があり、採択されるとは限らない。




A3.はい、前学期に登録したことがあっても、もう一度登録が必要です。 書類の内容に変更がなくても、もう一度登録してください。
Q9 申請調書2ページの経済状況についてですが、月額収入合計と月額支出合計は、同額にする必要はありますか?

● 参考

「Scholarships which require a recommendation from the university」

At the Faculty of Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, a private scholarship registration system is used to suggest scholarships requiring university recommendations to international students. There are two registration periods per year for this system: one in February and one in August. International students who would like to apply for a scholarship requiring university recommendation must register for the system during the registration period. Please note that students who have registered for the system in the past must complete registration again with their current documentation. Registration will not be accepted outside the registration period under any circumstances.

**For scholarships requiring university recommendations, the International Support Group makes advance designations of relevant undergraduate or graduate departments for each applicant. Should an applicant be designated to the Faculty of Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technolog, there will be a document screening from among the registered students, following which the relevant undergraduate and graduate departments will proceed with scholarship recommendations. Please note that this means students cannot choose specific scholarships to apply for.


February 13, 2025 (Thu.) – February 19, 2025 (Wed)

※After completing online registration, please submit your application by postal mail and electronically within the document submission period

Document Submission

February 13, 2025 (Thu.)– February 21, 2025 (Fri)

1.Document Submission Checklist for Private Scholarship Registration System

2.Form 1: Application Form   Sample

3.Transcript(s) (all transcripts from undergraduate studies to present)

4.Form 2: Research Plan and Research Accomplishments (2-4 pages)

5.Form 3: Questionnaire  Sample

6.Copy of Residence Card (both sides) **Only for students currently living in Japan

7.Copy of Japanese Ability Education / Test Certificate etc. (※If you have a JLPT certificate, etc., please submit it.)

*Original document submission is required for ①PDF and ②.
PDF submissionPlease upload your submissions to the following URL.

When you convert documents (1)-(7) into PDF files, please combine them in order into a single file.
After you put your name on the PDF file, please upload it to the URL written in the Web Registration Period. (About 5MB max)
Original document submissionPlease send the original documents to our office by the deadline (must be postmarked by the deadline written above).
Sending Address: 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656 JAPAN
Office of International Students, School of Engineering and School of IST,
University of Tokyo (Engineering BLDG. No. 8 1F, Room 161)
Ohbu (Ms.)
*The documents should be single-sided, size A4, and unstapled.
*Documents should be submitted by putting them in the order mentioned in the “(1) Document Submission Checklist for Private Scholarship Registration System.”
*Please refer to the examples when you fill in form 1 (the application form) and form 3 (the questionnaire). (You can download these examples via the above URL.)
*Please note your affiliation, address, and contact details that will be valid as of April 2025.

*Individuals planning to enter the University in October 2025: Fill in form 1 (the application form) with information applicable at the time of enrollment (October 2025). Some items can be left blank if they are yet to be determined.

Application Requirements

Applicants must be self-supporting international students (not including foreign government-sponsored international students) expecting to be enrolled as regular
 (undergraduate, graduate) or research students at the University of Tokyo’s Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, or Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, as of April 2025 (for currently enrolled students and new students), or students entering the University in October 2025.

※If you receive /SEUT GRANT for International Students/The University of Tokyo Fellowship/Salary of JSPS from April 2025, you are not eligible.


1.This registration system is intended for private scholarships that require a recommendation from the University, the University of Tokyo Foundation for International Student Support (Tokyo Daigaku Shien Kikin).

2.Since each scholarship has its own requirements and the number of scholarship recipients is limited, not all students will necessarily be recommended for a scholarship. Additionally, even students who are recommended for scholarships may not pass the selection process in some foundations.

3.  If there are any changes regarding the information on your application forms or if you have been selected for any other scholarships you applied for independently, please inform the OIS.
4.  If an application is found to be incomplete or to include false information, scholarship recommendations may be canceled. Please fill in the forms carefully.

Procedures from Registration to Recommendation

1.The Graduate School assigns scores in accordance with the documents submitted during the registration period, and determines applicants’ recommendation rankings.

2.Beginning with the top-ranked applicant, if there is a scholarship for which an applicant fulfills the requirements, they will be recommended.

3.If there is a scholarship for which a student can be recommended, OIS staff will contact the student with information about the scholarship via e-mail.
4.. Students contacted by OIS staff should check application information and application requirements; if you want to apply for the scholarship, please create the documents according to the e-mail instructions and submit them.
5.After you are recommended as the candidate for a scholarship through the university, if you apply for the scholarship, you should not decline it

6   Applicants who pass scholarship foundation selections are eligible to receive scholarships.




Q1:  Should I prepare the required documents by hand or on a PC?
A1.  All documents should be prepared on a PC.
Q2:  Can I submit the required documents in English?
A2.  Application form 1 should be completed in Japanese. If you have difficulty writing Japanese, this form may be completed in English. Form 2 (Research Plan and Research Accomplishments) may also be completed in English.
Q3:  I registered last semester. Do I need to register again?
A3.   Yes, even if you registered last semester, you must register again. Even if there have been no changes in your documentation, please register again.
Q4:  Can I submit a copy of my transcript?
A4.   Original transcripts are necessary. If you do not have an original transcript, a copy will be accepted, but please note that if you are recommended for a scholarship, you will need an original transcript. Please ensure you arrange for several original transcripts.
Q5:  I will not be in Japan during the registration period. Can I still register?
A5.  Registration by proxy is possible. You can ask a friend or laboratory staff member to register on your behalf. You can also register online from abroad during the registration period. .
Q6:  When will I know the results of the scholarship applications?
A6.  The university will receive scholarship notifications throughout the semester. You will be contacted only if a scholarship is available for which you can be recommended. Timeframes for pass/fail announcements differ with each scholarship.
Q7:  I want to apply for a specific scholarship. How can I apply?
A7.   We select the students to be recommended for each scholarship based upon the screening of the registered documents. For scholarships that require a recommendation from the university, students cannot choose which scholarship to apply for.

Q8:  I’ve taken the entrance examination, but I have not received the results yet. Can I apply?
A8.  Students who have taken the entrance examination but who have not yet received the results may make a scholarship application. Please see ⑥ in the "Documents to submit" of the document, "Submission Checklist for Private Scholarship Registration System”.

Q9:  Regarding monthly income total and expenses total in application form, should I fill in the same amount ?
A9.  You need not fill in the same amount. But please do not make much difference, please make it be well-balanced.

Q10: How many people are accepted each time?
A10.  The acceptance rate is 8-10% of all registrants each time in School of Engineering and in Graduate School of Information Science and Technology.

Tips for applying for scholarships:
The University of Tokyo Home Page (Information on scholarships for international students):

Scholarships which students can apply for directly

■Please check the 【直接応募】(direct application) section on the student portal site and apply directly to the scholarship foundation yourself.
(Reference: The latest information on scholarships: Scholarships filled via "DA"(Direct Application) on the list.)
(参考:最新の奨学金に関する情報:リスト中に“DA”(Direct Application)と表示のあるもの)

Notes Regarding Application for Scholarships(Japanese only) / 奨学金応募に関する諸注意


Contact / 問い合わせ先

Office of International Students (OIS)
TEL: +81-3-5841-6043 FAX: +81-3-5841-6053
E-mail: (Please replace _at_with @.)
電話:03-5841-6441 FAX: 03-5841-6053
E-mail: (_at_を@に変えてください。)
