Specially-promoted Graduate Program for Creation of the Asian Engineering Framework Based on Tripolar Alliances among Japan, China and Korea日中韓を中核とするアジア工学環形成のための特別推進プログラム


Updated on June 2019

1. Outline 概要

The University of Tokyo is acting as a pioneer in the establishment of the Asian Engineering Tripolar Framework, and shall contribute to the stability and development of the region by nurturing internationalized human resources within the framework.
This program, through the creation of a framework based on connections among Japanese, Korean and Chinese educational institutions in the field of engineering, aims to nurture internationalized human resources capable of supporting the sustainable development of Asia as a whole. Seoul National University and Tsinghua University, which are respectively located in the capitals of each country and Korean and Chinese research and educational institutions of the highest level, make individually the selection of candidates first. Then, The University of Tokyo shall further select the individuals to join the doctoral program. Also, by holding academic symposium together, we deepen the relationship among the international students, the faculty members and the departments, in addition to building the developing and supportive relationship.



2. Application Guidelines 出願要項

- Application Guidelines

Applicants should read both the Application Guidelines for the Special English Graduate Programs School of Engineering found in the above website as well as the specific application guidelines for each course.


3.Scholarship 奨学金

Top applicants who have exceptional academic records will be awarded scholarships provided by the University of Tokyo or by the Graduate School of Engineering for the period of the Doctoral program.

Scholarships recently awarded through this program:

(1)Scholarship sponsored by the University of Tokyo
-University of Tokyo Fellowship; The University of Tokyo Special Scholarship for International Students

(2)Scholarship sponsored by Graduate School of Engineering
- SEUT Grant for International Students sponsored by the Graduate School of Engineering
・Monthly Stipend: JPY145,000/month for doctoral degree students
・SEUT Graunt covers your entrance fees and tuition.


4. FAQ よくある質問

Q:Should I contact the interested professor or lab beforehand?
A:It is NOT a mandatory to obtain an approval from the interested professor or lab here beforehand. However, it is preferable to ask the interested lab about the possibility of doctoral position. Some professors stop taking students when his/her retirement is approaching or some labs are oversubscribes and they cannot accept no more new students.

Q: Do I have to have TOEFL score?
A: If you have a score of any English test that we can refer to, please submit the document with the application forms. As long as you are nominated by your university, we will accept your application.

Q: I already graduated university. Can I apply to this program?
A: The first selection of application is held in your university, so please ask your university whether you can apply for the program. As long as you are nominated by your university, we will accept your application.

Q: What should I prepare for the interview?
A: There are no strict rules for the interview except that applicants are expected to prepare Power Point slides and give a presentation to interviewers. Generally, supervising professors would like to know about your past research experiences (especially for your master thesis project) and your research plan for your Ph. D. course at the University of Tokyo’s Graduate School of Engineering.



Office of International Students
Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bukyo-ku, Tokyo
113-8656 Japan
E-mail address: ryugakusei.t[a]gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp
