Visa - Part-time Work Permit

Updated on July 1st, 2022

Part-time Work Permit 資格外活動許可

●新規入国者で資格外活動許可が予め必要とされている場合(Application form for new arrivals in Japan)

Permission to engage in an activity other than those permitted by the status of residence previously granted | Immigration Services Agency of Japan ( を参照下さい。

出入国港で使用する資格外活動許可申請書 (fill in this form and submit at the arrival airport in Japan)



●在籍留学生でまだ資格外活動許可を取得していない場合(For current stduents)

If students want to work a part-time job in Japan, they must first obtain legal permission. This is called “permission to engage in activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted”.

<Application Procedure 申請方法>
Submit the items listed below to the Immigration Bureau in person. If approved, the certificate of permission will be issued within 2 or 3 weeks after application. Students should apply for this permit before they find a place to work.

<Necessary documents 必要書類>

(1) Application Form 資格外活動許可申請書 (sample 記入見本)

(2) Passport パスポート

(3) Residence card 在留カード

(4) Student ID card 学生証

<Period of Validity 有効期間>
The valid period for the part-time work permit is the same period as that of the visa. When applying for a visa extension, a part-time work permit may also be applied for at the same time.

<Notes 注意事項>
・After receiving a part-time work permit, students must submit a copy of the page with the permission stamp from their passport along with a copy of residence card to the department office. Form
・International students of the University of Tokyo do not need to obtain a part-time work permit when they work as a Research Assistant or Teaching Assistant at the University.
・Upon receiving permission from the Immigration Bureau, students may then engage in part-time work for up to a total of 28 hours per week. (During the breaks in the summer and winter, working up to eight (8) hours per day is permitted).
・Part-time work is not permitted during leaves of absence from the university.


